"Kill Bill" limited edition screenprint by Inkcandy

''Kill Bill'' limited edition screenprint by Inkcandy
''Kill Bill'' limited edition screenprint by Inkcandy''Kill Bill'' limited edition screenprint by Inkcandy''Kill Bill'' limited edition screenprint by Inkcandy

Product Information

Three colour hand pulled silkscreen print of Uma Thurman in Quentin Tarantino's classic movie "Kill Bill". Printed onto Omnia, 200gsm. Yellow and Rhodamine Red ink are complimented by a clear varnish that adds a subtle texture to each individual shape.

Limited edition run of 50.

Size: 840 x 386mm

An extreme close up of just the eyes is sometimes called an Italian shot, taking its name from Sergio Leone's Italian-Western films.

This series of screenprints is inspired by some of Inkcandy's favourite movie close ups. When viewed close up the prints are a geometric pattern of shapes, the image only becoming clear the further you step away.

Our Price:  £220.00



In stock, generally ships in 2-3 days

Brand:  Inkcandy
Size:  Medium